dokteryoseph Pemberian Makanan Pendamping Air Susu Ibu yang Tepat


If you have an interest in reading academic publications, I’ve selected some to highlight:

Samodra, Y.L., Hsu, H.C., Chuang, K.Y. and Chuang, Y.C., 2023. Family economic trajectories and body mass index in Indonesia: Evidence from the Indonesian Family Life Surveys 2 to 5Preventive Medicine Reports34, p.102262.

Samodra, Y.L., Rahmawati, N.T. and Sumarni, S., 2018. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kemampuan kognitif pada lansia obesitas di IndonesiaJurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia14(4), pp.154-162.

Ticoalu, J.H.V., Samodra, Y.L. and Huy, L.D., 2022. Limitations in Daily Activities as the Strongest Predictor of Pharmacotherapy Usage for Pain in IndonesiaIndonesian Scholars Scientific Summit Taiwan Proceeding4, pp.116-121.

Publications since 2019 (until March 2024)

Journal Papers

Bintang YM Sinaga*, Parluhutan Siagian, Joshua P Sinaga, Yoseph L Samodra. 2024 March. Fatigue in healthcare workers with mild COVID-19 survivors in Indonesia. Narra J, vol. 4, no. 1. pp. 1-8. Indexed in Scopus.

Yoseph Leonardo Samodra, Hui-Chuan Hsu, Kun-Yang Chuang, Ying-Chih Chuang*. 2023 August. Family economic trajectories and body mass index in Indonesia: Evidence from the Indonesian Family Life Surveys 2 to 5. Preventive Medicine Reports, vol. 34. pp. 1-7. Indexed in SCIE.

Yoseph Leonardo Samodra*, Inda Rebeca Pertiwi Pasaribu Pasaribu, Istianto Kuntjoro. 2022 March. Consumption Pattern of Caffeinated Beverages and HDL Level in Elderlies in GKJ Gondokusuman Yogyakarta. Journal of Medical Sciences, vol. 22, issue 1. pp. 8-12.

Yoseph Leonardo Samodra*, Oeij Henri Wijaya. 2021 December. Plant-Based Diet to Prevent Coronary Artery Disease. World Journal of Food and Nutrition, vol. 1, issue 2. pp. 1-2.

Reynaldy Valentino Pratama Marpaung, Yoseph Leonardo Samodra*, Slamet Sunarno Harjosuwarno. 2021 April. Hubungan pola asuh terhadap status gizi pada anak TK di Kota Yogyakarta. Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Media Husada, vol. 10, issue 1. pp. 1-9.

Raymond Dwi Prasetya*, Yoseph Leonardo Samodra, and Istianto Kuntjoro. 2020 December. Eating Habits of Overweight Children at Sekolah Dasar Budya Wacana, Yogyakarta. Berkala Ilmiah Kedokteran Duta Wacana, vol. 5, no. 2. pp. 54-59.

Dewa K Putra*, Yoseph L Samodra, Daniel CA Nugroho. 2020 December. Hubungan Pola Konsumsi Minuman Berkafein dengan Fungsi Kognitif pada Lansia di GKJ Gondokusuman Yogyakarta. e-CliniC, vol. 8, issue 2. pp. 251-258.

Stefani Oktavia Sitompul, Yoseph Leonardo Samodra*, Istianto Kuntjoro. 2020 September. Hubungan Pola Makan Anak dengan Status Gizi Siswa TK Bopkri Gondokusuman Yogyakarta. Indonesian Journal of Nursing Health Science, vol. 5, issue 2. pp. 126-133.

Yuda Pradana*, Fransiskus Xaverius Wikan Indrarto, Maria Silvia Merry, Yoseph Leonardo Samodra. 2020 August. Clinical Characteristics of Paediatric Measles Patients at Mojowarno Christian Hospital, Jombang, in 2015-2016. Berkala Ilmiah Kedokteran Duta Wacana, vol. 5, no. 1. pp. 16-21.  

Ave Maria Rosario, Yoseph Leonardo Samodra*, Yanti Ivana Suryanto. 2019 December. Kebiasaan Sarapan Berhubungan dengan Tingkat Kebugaran Jasmani pada Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar di SD Budya Wacana Yogyakarta. Indonesian Journal of Human Nutrition, vol. 6, issue 2. pp. 139-144.

Putu Gede Suda Satriya Wibawa, FX Wikan Indrarto*, Yoseph Leonardo Samodra. 2019 September. Protective effect of exclusive breastfeeding on acute respiratory infections (ARI) among children in Tabanan, Bali. Journal of Health Education, vol. 4, issue 2. pp. 65-71.

Alberto Diliano Novelito Nahak, Yoseph Leonardo Samodra*, Istianto Kuntjoro. 2019 April. History of Fish-Based Complementary Food Provision Toward Children’s Cognitive Level in Elementary School. Journal of Health Education, vol. 4, issue 1. pp. 1-7.

Conference Papers

Yoseph Leonardo Samodra*, Ying-Chih Chuang. 2022 October. Effects of Parental Economic Level Trajectories on Children’s BMI Z-score Trajectories in Indonesia. 6th International Nutrition and Health Symposium (INHESION). pp. 36-44.

Jansje Henny Vera Ticoalu, Yoseph Leonardo Samodra*, Le Duc Huy. 2022 June. Limitations in Daily Activities as the Strongest Predictor of Pharmacotherapy Usage for Pain in Indonesia. 4th Indonesian Scholars Scientific Summit. pp. 116-121.


Yoseph Leonardo Samodra*. 2019 October. Pemberian Makanan Pendamping Air Susu Ibu yang Tepat. Berkala Ilmiah Kedokteran Duta Wacana, vol. 4, issue 1. pp. iii-v.

More publications: Google Scholar Profile

dokteryoseph Pemberian Makanan Pendamping Air Susu Ibu yang Tepat


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