
Yoseph Leonardo Samodra is a Public Health professional with a profound dedication to improving public health through education and research. He holds a Ph.D. in Public Health from Taipei Medical University, where his research significantly advanced the understanding of nutritional epidemiology and health education.

Link NBJ: Nih Buat Jajan dokteryoseph

My Resume

dokteryoseph’s academic journey began with a Bachelor of Medicine from Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Indonesia. His pursuit of knowledge continued at Universitas Gadjah Mada, where he earned a Master of Public Health, and he culminated his educational endeavors with a Ph.D. in Public Health from Taipei Medical University.

There is a short curriculum vitae provided
for your convenience.
For further information,
please feel free to contact dokteryoseph.

Open for Collaboration

Yoseph Leonardo Samodra’s scholarly work spans several publications in reputable journals, contributing to the understanding of family economic trajectories, the impact of breastfeeding on child health, and nutritional interventions. His research efforts extend beyond academic circles into practical, community-based projects. These include conducting health screenings and educational programs on obesity risk factors, underlining his commitment to making public health initiatives accessible to all.

dokteryoseph’s primary goal is to enhance public health, with a specific focus on nutrition, social determinants of health, and general medicine. He aims to use his diverse experiences to broaden knowledge and practices in these areas. By integrating various methods and disciplines, dokteryoseph explores how lifestyle and environmental factors impact health, aiming to provide a more comprehensive understanding of public health issues and their solutions.

He is enthusiastic about collaborating and learning together with peers and community members. dokteryoseph encourages everyone to share their experiences, ask questions, and enjoy the journey of collective learning. Each story shared not only enriches our own lives but also contributes to a pool of knowledge that can inspire and empower others on similar paths.

Check here for collaboration opportunities.

new logo of dokteryoseph 18 oct 2023

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